Contact Us

SMERAGLIA OFFICE - Located in Beautiful South Alabama

Office Hours:

Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm CST


Contact Information: 

Front Office- Phone: 251.960.1311; Email:; Fax: 866.571.0390

(Email is the best form of communication. Emails are checked regularly at night and on weekends)

Delivery- Phone: 251.279.0706; Email:

After Hour Emergency- Phone: 251.216.1307


Appointment Times:

Puppy Visits-

  • Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday; 9:30am-5pm CST
  • These visits can be scheduled with available puppies, your litter, or chosen puppy once they are old enough to be visited after 6 weeks of age.
  • Drop-ins not permitted. You must have an application and deposit in order to schedule a visit.
  • We are not available for visits on Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday.

Pick Ups-

  • Puppies going home without training will need to scheduled to pick up on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday from 9:30am-5pm CST.
  • Puppies being picked up with their trainer from Doodle Prep School will be scheduled with your trainer on Thursday or Friday from 9:30am-5pm CST.
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